Saving money – Ryan H. Law, CFP, AFC Personal Finance Simplified Mon, 11 Sep 2017 09:03:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Are You Financially Fragile? Wed, 19 Apr 2017 04:10:23 +0000 What would happen to you and your family if:

  • your fridge broke down?
  • your car transmission went out?
  • the primary breadwinner in your family dies?
  • the primary breadwinner in your family becomes disabled?
  • the Social Security fund goes bankrupt and you will no longer receive a Social Security check?

As many as 76% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck – they have little to no savings and they spend more than they earn each month. These people are the Financially Fragile.

Financially FragileWhen one of the above events happens it can be challenging for anyone, but it is devastating for the Financially Fragile.

If you are living this way, you can take a few steps to become Financially Resilient. Being Financially Resilient means that you are able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult financial conditions, such as your car transmission going out. Again, that can be difficult for anyone, but the Financially Resilient will recover quickly while it can destroy the Financially Fragile.

Here are some things I recommend to start down the path to becoming Financially Resilient:

  • Have an emergency fund – start out with $1,000
  • Use a budget[i]
  • Spend less than you earn
  • Have adequate insurance
  • Pay off debt
  • Use a Revolving Savings account[ii]
  • Have some “fun money” or “mad money”
  • Pay attention to your credit score[iii]

For more information on these topics, see the links below. I encourage you to take steps to become more Financially Resilient.




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How to save money on shaving Tue, 14 Feb 2017 23:43:56 +0000 Today is a quick tip on how to save some money on a product many of us use at least a few times a week – razors.

Dorco razor

I don’t like cheap disposable razors, so for years I was using expensive razors such as the Gillette Fusion or similar blades. For the Gillette Fusion razor handle with 1 cartridge you will pay $9.99 on Amazon, and for a pack of 8 blades it is $29.96, or $3.74 per blade.

I was thinking about checking out Dollar Shave Club a while back, then I found out that their razors are Dorco razors. Why not go right to the source?

I have been using Dorco razors for a while now, and they are, by far, the best razors I have ever used.

For their 3 blade system the handle with 2 cartridges it is $6, and a pack of 4 blades is $7.15, or $1.79 per blade.

$3.74 per blade vs. $1.79 per blade – that’s a big difference!

You can regularly find coupons for 20% off that, as well. For example, this link will save 20%:

Bonus Tip: To make blades last longer, and for the best shave ever with no nicks, cuts or razor burn, I recommend Shave Secret.

I’ve been using it for several years now and it is the best stuff ever.

shave secretYou can find it online, on Amazon and at Wal-mart.

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